Concepts create idols; only wonder grasps anything. - St Gregory of Nyssa

Monday, March 28, 2011

Earth Hour UPDATED and bumped

UPDATEIn which place would you rather live?

Darn it all.
I missed Earth Hour again.
He's got the whole world...

I remember when "Earth Day" was instituted. I was in grade school. Yes, yes, I'm that old.

This year, I wanted to celebrate "Earth Hour" by sticking it in the eye of the We're-so-much-better-than-you-because-we're-Green know, by using a lot of electricity and stuff. Maybe throw all my plastics into the trash. Same with glass jars. Drink non-sustainably grown coffee. Pray to God instead of 'Gaia,' or whatever demon is popular this week.

As it was, I was driving home (65 mph or more) from a church event. So there.

I think we should be good stewards. But not make everyone go back to a bronze-age level of life because of some dippy old hippies say we should. Of course, you know they wouldn't ... because they haven't. All talk, no walk.

Like the Blogfather says, I will believe there's a crisis when they start acting like there's a crisis. Er...or something like that.

It's just all so silly. NO, strike that.
THEY are all so silly.

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