Concepts create idols; only wonder grasps anything. - St Gregory of Nyssa

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crying Wolf

Many people (it seemed to me, mostly on the left of the political spectrum), laughed at Harold Camping for predicting the exact date of "The Rapture". His followers should have known better, since he has been wrong before. (The Rapture is a doctrine of fundamentalist/evangelical Christians; Orthodoxy considers this dispensationalist doctrine as heresy.)

That being said, the Left hocked a hairball laughing so hard about the missing Doomsday.

Let's take a look at the secular/leftist "doomsdays" of recent memory. And these are just the ones I recall off the top of my head, during my lifetime. And no, I am not going to look up references.

We're gonna run out of FOOD!
We're gonna run out of ROOM!
We're all gonna FREEZE to death!
We're all gonna die of THIRST!
ACID RAIN is going to deforest the world and kill us all!

...and the latest permutation of the doomsday predictions: CO2! Polar ice caps are MELTING! Polar bears are DIEING! Man made global warming: The Earth is HEATING UP and we're all gonna die! No, WAIT, it's CLIMATE CHANGE! We're all gonna DIE!

Dennis Prager has a good take on it all.


DebD said...

Good article...good food for thought. Have you ever read "The Skeptical Environmentalist"? It's a bit outdated but the thesis was somewhat similar.

Flyover Pilgrim said...

Deb, I have heard of that book, but have not read it. I'll have to add it to the long (and getting longer) list of things to read.

Thanks for stopping by.