The choir and I got through the Theophany weekend successfully.
I am not completely comfortable with the word "successfully" in context of worship, but it is the best I have at the moment.We started, went through, and completed the services without major mash ups. A few minor glitches, here and there. Our priest is a marvelous man, very forgiving and helping me through all the tough parts of taking on this new responsibility.
An if it wasn't for the experienced and responsive choir members, this transition would be more difficult than it is. I have found that our singers are eager to learn new things, to improve their singing and musicianship. I am very grateful to God for them, and their teachable spirits.We may be able to have some fun this year!
Next up for me: learning the Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha services.Thanks be to God, I have a lovely woman to help lead all those services. She is a retired school teacher, and a she is able to step in. Lovey (not her real name, of course, but describes her soul) has been always ready to 'sub' for our Matushka Choir Director when needed.
At the beginning of this transition (in December 2012), we were going to 'split' the responsibility between us. But dear Lovey wants to ease up on her schedule. So I will take up the larger part of the mantle, until she bows out entirely -- probably after Pascha.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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