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It's an interesting book. DH said he had taken the survey years ago, and thought I should, too.
Each book has a one-use code in it that accesses the survey on their website.
My top five strengths, according to this survey are:
- Strategic
- Intellection
- Relator
- Connectedness
- Learner.
Not only are the strengths revealed, but also a suggested action plan to enhance the use of each of the strengths.
For instance, one suggested point from the Strategic action plan is: Trust your intuitive insights as often as possible. Even though you might not be able to explain them rationally, your intuitions are created by a brain that instinctively anticipates and projects. Have confidence in these perceptions.
I have always regretted not going with my intuition about things...
For Intellection: List your ideas in a log or diary. These ideas will serve as grist for your mental mill, and they might yield valuable insights.
I carry around a leather bound green book, to keep track of ideas, thoughts, observations. I keep my green book with me at all times, and it has become such a positive part of my life, even DH will ask if I have my "green book" with me when we talk about our hopes, dreams, and plans for the future.
If you're into this sort of introspection, I highly recommend Strengthfinder 2.0. For less than $20, you can't go wrong.
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