From American Digest:
...They are the American Left and, risen from their impoverished
conditions in 1968, they now have tenure, high position, or acolytes
from which they draw comfortable stipends. Of late, they've taken more
and more to coffee klatches with Islamic fundamentalists who, if they
don't have the armies to bring about the destruction of the United
States, have at least shown they've got enough hate to kill Americans
here and abroad retail and wholesale. Besides, they're out shopping for a
nuclear weapon and some smallpox, so what's not to like about these
guys from an American Leftist's point of view?
... Recently a very large and significant American institution has
stripped to the buff, oiled up, and made its body politic freely
available to the tender mercies and tough love of the American Left.
Indeed, the capture of this group is the single significant achievement
of the American Left in decades. With the elevation of Howard Dean, the
canonization of Hillary Clinton, the sanctification of Ted Kennedy, the
renovation of Nancy Pelosi, the self-defenestration of Barbara Boxer,
and the deification of Barack H. Obama, it is clear that the political
base of the American Left has now migrated from the fringes of our
political arena to the dead center of the Democratic Party. And it is
there to stay. ...
The entire essay is worth the time: Radical Roots and the Conquest of the Democratic Party @ AMERICAN DIGEST
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